Swimming Pool


Fitness Center


Sky Lounge


Mini Theater

Treat yourself or your guests to night at the movies. Choose a title from a library of DVD titles, or bring your own. At The Beacon, an exciting cinematic experience is just a few footsteps away.

Other Amenities


A place where kids can be kids and enjoy the outdoors while in the middle of the city.  

Day Care Center

A safe and fun place to leave the kids while you’re out during the day..  

Function Rooms and Lounge

The function rooms can be combined and divided to suit your needs. This is complemented by an expansive lounge area.  

Lobby Concierge
Enjoy the luxury of having your own concierge service. Need a message delivered or an item picked up at the grocery? Our concierge service will make it as easy as picking up your phone..  

The Beacon offers a quick and convenient cleaning service that can keep your home clean without the need to keep full-time house help.  

Shuttle Service

Need to get somewhere quick? You can take advantage of a paid shuttle service exclusive to The Beacon residents. The service will cover key locations in Makati.  

Property Management
Leaving town? Rest easy. The Beacon’s property management service can look after your unit and even help you find a tenant.